Lee P. Villanueva
President & CEO
Registered Architect
Master Project Manager, AAPM
Lee earned his bachelor’s degree major in Architecture at the University of San Carlos, Cebu City and became a licensed Architect in 2003. He has been professionally practicing architecture for 20 years with wide ranging experiences in architecture, interior design, project management and construction. Lee is also a Fellow Member of American Academy of Project Management being inducted as Master Project Manager in 2022.
Back in 2006, Lee was a Senior Project Manager of Hong Kong-Based Architecture and Interior Design Firm, Goudie Associates for 5 years. Lee honed his design and management skills by directly handling multi-national Clients for corporate, commercial and hospitality projects. He had accumulated not less than 130,000 sq.ft. hands-on experience for Clients such as eTelecare (Stream), Concentrix-Synnex, Convergys, ACS Call Center, Qimonda IT Center, Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Pilipinas Shell and P&A Grant Thornton.
In 2011, Lee together with his senior partner established VP Consulting - A Design and Management Firm and Accelade Construction in 2017. The firm handled prestigious Clients such as Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & Delos Angeles Law Firm, Punongbayan and Araullo - P&A Grant Thorton, Nissan, Garcia Quijano & Associates, QQ English, Sanitary Care Products Asia, Singapore School Cebu, and car showrooms for Nissan, Volkswagen and Subaru.

Melissa Sue P. Villanueva
Vice President - Admin and Finance
Bachelor in Fine Arts - Major in Interior Design
Sue is a product of University of San Carlos College of Architecture and Fine Arts majoring in Interior Design. Upon graduation, she directly exposed herself to design practice through employment to local firms in Cebu.
After two years in the local industry practice, she ventured to more challenging and world-class exposure when she was employed by Inter Design International – a multi-national interior design firm based in Bahrain. She was primarily involved in interior fit out projects of both foreign and local Clients focusing Corporate, Hospitality and Retail establishments.
Currently, Sue primarily handles resource managament and office administration on top of other task such as developing exceptional design outputs to local clients at par with international standards and quality.

Darrene L. Gersamio
Admin and Human Resource

Joel S. Goneda
Purchasing and Logistics
Jimbert G. Sarinas
Project Coordinator